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Initial Musings from the StudyHubble Team


Updated: Mar 25, 2020

StudyHubble v1.0

We just begun the prototype version of our app/website just 2 days ago and so what is posted right now are the bare bones of what our team envisions for StudyHubble! In version 1.0 of our prototype phase, we hope that you are able to easily follow through the app and website features and understand the main premise of our vision: To provide an easy and accessible platform for students to connect with each other to find study partners/groups in order to reduce social isolation among the Vancouver post-secondary student community.

Due to our lack of website and app design experience, the app and website interface designs are different and we hope to make them identical in the days to come! The following are notes we have considered and will address:

  1. Website and app prototypes interfaces have some differences

  2. Website allows the student to customize their profile by adding a school banner.

  3. App does not allow to do so

  4. Hope is to have the app do the same

  5. We understand that the intended app features and what is shown on the website differ but know that we will make the necessary changes once we have the ability and funding to do so

  6. We are currently trying to make our site more MOBILE-FRIENDLY so for the best viewing experience it is recommended that you view with a desktop for the time being

  7. Profile Customization page is used only to visualize what the website may look like initially therefore your profile will NOT be made right away when you fill out the form telling us about yourself

  8. The form in the customization page therefore is OPTIONAL as the info you put will be sent to our e-mail, however, if you are interested in being invited to our first StudyHubble meetup then feel free to fill out the form

  9. School banners are only used as examples and is currently a work in progress

  10. We are still in the midst of talking to local businesses and cafes to implement student discounts if you choose to have a StudyHubble session in their establishment

  11. Cafe 106, Camellia Tea & Coffee and Ki Tea House Cafe are businesses that we have pitched our idea to and have shown great interest but logistics behind providing the student discount still need to be sorted out

  12. Unless otherwise stated, there are no discounts being offered as of right now

  13. GPS location tracking is still a work in progress and we are at the stage of getting input from our users whether they think location sharing is a good idea for StudyHubble

  14. Private messaging through the app/website is still a work in progress but we do want to implement this feature to make contacting students easier

  15. StudyHubble Pro premium features are in the brainstorming phase and will only start to discuss this upgrade option if StudyHubble gets enough support and funding

We hope to have addressed some of these improvement areas in the next version of our prototype in the next post! 😀

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